Project Activities



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The Macedonian American Alumni Association (MAAA) is a non-governmental, non-partisan, not-for-profit organization that:

  • serves as community connecting people, Macedonian Alumni and US Scholars coming to Macedonia with a main common goal to improve mutual understanding among US and Macedonian citizens;
  • develops and nurtures collaboration between universities, on-line communities, public and private entities, governmental and non-governmental (NG) organizations and other public, business and civil societies;
  • assists in transferring knowledge and expertise to the Macedonian public, business and civil sectors, organizes workshops, seminars and on-line communication.
  • develops and improves the network and collaboration with the Regional Alumni Associations as a long term infrastructure and alumni activities. The idea behind this networking is to promote and conduct joint activities among regional Alumni associations that are identified as having mutual grounds and interests for collaboration, such as the issue promoted and discussed with this project proposal, i.e. securing equal rights for the persons with disabilities.
  • MAAA and its members serve as a pillar that should work on developing and transferring not only scientific and technological innovations, but as well on introducing and nurturing greater social values such as securing and enabling equal rights for the minority groups, including the persons with disabilities. Serving as a pillar to the State alumni society, within this proposal, MAAA can act as a logistic support in coordinating activities with the American Corners, The American Center, the American Councils and the US Embassy in Macedonia, thus enabling optimal utilization of the alumni resources in the country for the benefit of the needs of this proposal, thus securing quality outcomes deriving from it.

Ss.Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia, in particular staff & students from a Faculties of:

SEEU in particular the Faculty of Languages Cultures & Communication and the following students & volnuteers:

Goce Delcev University in Stip, Macedonia

University of Split, FE, Croatia

University of Zagreb, Croatia

FON, Skopje, Macedonia

The Association of Students and Youth with Dosabillity, Skopje (ASYD)

The Association of Students and Youth with Disability, Skopje(ASYD) exists since December 2002, and was formed by group of enthusiasts, students the most of who are defectologists.

1. Mission of the association

The mission of this organization is to promote inclusive secondary and higher education for the young people and students with disability, through providing all necessary conditions for that, representing the social model in the approach to the disability and fulfilling the planned goals of the organization. The goals we set ahead of us refer to promotion of the condition of the young people and students with disability and their successful integration in the society. Our effort6s are directed towards achieving equality of the young people and students, in the sense of creating conditions for them to educate and completely realise their intellectual capacities for the well being of the whole society.

Mobillity Challenge

Mobility Challenge is a non-profit organization founded by women with and without disabilities in 2009. Our mission is empowering lives of disabled people in general, with accent of women with disabilities because of their double discrimination, as women and as disabled.

Our vision is to see people with disabilities in Macedonia fully integrated in society. Our regular activities are promoting human rights of people with disabilities, education and trainings to improve their skills and employment, cooperation with organizations from Europe and worldwide for exchanging experiences and information in order better integration of people with disabiltiies from Macedonia as European citizens.

Peace Corps Macedonia

Ministry of Education and Science of Macedonia

Ministry of Labor and Social Policies of Macedonia

Macedonian National Broadcast